Gotta love Spring

Last couple of days it was so cold everyone was wearing winter coats. Today everyone is wearing shorts.

That’s life in Northern Ontario!

Of course the grass needs cutting. I’m not allowed to do it, as it could damage my back further. Some days, like today, it is easier to remember that. The pain today has been off the scale – probably because the last two days were so cold.

Which really messes with my ability to write. When the pain is this bad, I have a hard time putting a sentence together, never mind getting anything done.


Wayne Borean

Saturday June 6, 2015


The Great White North

I’m on holiday this week, visiting my mother-in-law, the poet laureate of Temiskaming District. I’m also recuperating from fixing my computer, and other stuff. No, it didn’t include a hangover. I gave up drinking twenty-five years ago, and I have to admit I’m surprised that Molson’s Breweries didn’t go when I did.

Continue reading “The Great White North”

Wedding Bells

My cousin got married yesterday. Her second, his first. She’s known Heather longer than I have, and neither of us had seen Cathy since my Dad’s funeral, so we were really looking forward to attending. Cathy looked great. In fact I think she looked happier yesterday than I’ve seen her look in over 20 years, and it made me really happy to see her like that – she’s always been one of my favorite cousins, she’s a great person, and she deserves some pleasure from life.

I also saw her older brother and his wife, for the first time in close to 20 years, and some of her mother’s family from Newfoundland. All in all it was a great day, and it’s being a good weekend.

Except for poor Mark – take a look at my new userpic. That’s my little buddy. My little buddy who’s terrified of fireworks, and Monday is our Victoria Day holiday, what when I was a kid we called “Firecracker Day.” Poor thing has spent most of the weekend a shivering wreck. It’s a real adventure when a 50 pound mutt is so terrified that he tries to sit on your knee….

Above is a picture of Vicky and Princess trying to comfort the poor, timid, beastie.

Good things happen too

After all the doom and gloom in the news over the last week, I felt I had to write something a bit more up-beat.

My daughter has spent that last three weeks at The Hospital for Sick Children, and Toronto Institution well known for the excellent care it gives. She had two surgeries, and was in pretty rough shape after both, but is bouncing back beautifully, due to the care and and attention given her by the staff there.

Without naming names (because I’m sure to miss someone), the staff was fantastic. Great nurses (both male and female), the surgeon was wonderful, and while I’m glad she’ll be coming home in a day or two I’ll actually miss going there.

Just consider this – a hospital that explains what’s going on to the child first! Then they ask the parents if they have questions. For a child of any age being treated like a REAL human being makes a huge difference.

One of us was there with her almost all of the time – my wife mostly, but I stayed several nights, and our 18 year old son also stayed with here. We were welcomed with open arms (at least until they heard me snore), and made to feel at home.

In short it’s a great place.