Rona Ambrose Wants To Take Action On Honor Killings

Or rather ‘Dishonor Killings’ as most Canadians would consider them. From Wikipedia an honor killing is

An honor killing or honour killing[1] (also called a customary killing) is the murder of a (typically female) family or clan member by one or more fellow (mostly male) family members, in which the perpetrators (and potentially the wider community) believe the victim to have brought dishonour upon the family, clan, or community.

Most Canadians would consider them as dishonor killings, in that the killer has dishonored his/her family and heritage by doing this.

Recently Rona Ambrose, Conservative MP for Edmonton-Spruce Grove and the Minister of the Status of Women, has called on community groups to help stop honor killings. Her call for action was covered by The National Post, The Globe and Mail, CTV, and most of the rest of the Canadian media, however most of the media did not seem to understand what she was actually proposing.

Honor Killings are a social issue, affecting many different faiths and societies. The common factor in all cases, is that the actions by a ‘junior’ member of the family and/or clan, usually female, are considered to reflect on the family or clan’s reputation. If the junior member does not act in a manner that is considered socially acceptable by the family/clan, and there is no law which would force the junior member of the family/clan to act in a socially acceptable manner, than the family/clan may take action outside of the law to prevent that person’s actions from dishonoring the family/clan.

Historically a wide range of groups took part in actions or protect their ‘honor’ including Roman Catholics in Ireland, some ‘Protestent’ groups in the United States, some Hindu and Moslem sects in India and Pakistan, etc. The only commonality between the groups is that the person who is targeted is part of a group that is treated with disrespect by the main part of the society. For an example in Ireland in the early 20th century the Catholic Church considered young women to be of lesser status than men. Any action by a young women that was not socially acceptable was meet with severe action (see the article on the Magdalen Asylums). Under the Napoleonic Code it was legal for a husband to kill his wife and/or her paramour if they were caught in an act of adultery.

During the 20th century many such one sided laws were either made equivalent, or removed. Changes in the law don’t always have an immediate effect on society. Also many things have become socially unacceptable. For example in most of North America rape was acceptable, even though there were laws against it, but socially rape is now considered a ‘creep offense’. The attitudes toward honor killings need to change in the same way.

Even in those places where honor killings are considered a creep offense already, like Canada, killings still occur. The jailing of the father and brother of 16-year-old Aqsa Parvez served to send a message to those who would have considered doing the same thing. But even strong laws can be worked around, in the Middle East honor killings are often carried out by juveniles, who are urged to do so by the family elders, as the juveniles will server a lesser sentence. This is an issue that I could see arising in Canada, with our Youth Offenders Act.

There is no perfect answer to the problem caused by honor killings, however by showing a willingness to tackle the issue, Rona Ambrose is to be congratulated.


Wayne Borean

Friday July 23, 2010

Barry Sookman Works For The Canadian Recording Industry Association

For the last six months I’ve been calling on Barry Sookman to disclose who he was working for. Barry claims that his blog is his personal thoughts. I claim that everyone is affected by their friends and relatives, their work, and other contacts, and that therefore his employer has an affect on his blog, and must be disclosed.

Barry has avoided the issue. He knows that I know who he is working for. He knows that if I can get him to publicly state who he is working for, I can do damage to his cause, and therefore his best option was to say nothing (which is an oddity in it’s own right – Barry is ever more verbose than I am), while I continue to pretend that I don’t know who he’s working for, and that I can’t find out who he’s working for.

But the cat is now out of the bag. A comment was made on the blog, and I decided to let it stand. Barry Sookman works for the Canadian Recording Industry Association.

At this point you have to ask why Barry wouldn’t admit this? He knew that the information was available to anyone who checked the list of Canadian Lobbyists. But he wouldn’t make a public admission. This is delivers an interesting message. I believe that he thinks that the admission of who he works for will damage his reputation as a writer on copyright issues. And it will – he claims to be a Canadian writing on Canadian issues, but he is paid by foreign companies, specifically EMI, Sony BMG, Warner, and Universal.

When you compare the opinions stated in Barry’s blog, they match the opinions of the Canadian Recording Industry Association, in fact they are so close that I haven’t been able to find any difference. But Barry has been claiming that they are ‘his’ opinions, and avoiding telling anyone who he works for. Even when he is interviewed in the media he doesn’t admit that he is working for the CRIA.

I’ve been told many times that Barry is a nice guy. But really it doesn’t matter how nice he is. What matters is his actions, and his actionsare those of a man who knows he is morally in the wrong.


Wayne Borean

Friday July 23, 2010

MP James Moore Has Blocked Me From Following Him On Twitter – I Wonder Why?

You’ve got to love it when you find out you are making a difference. And you know you are making a difference when after you write an article critical of a politician, the politician in question blocks you from following them on Twitter. Seriously. I’m a Canadian citizen, interested in Canadian Heritage, who’s Mother-In-Law is Poet Laureate for her city, who’s wife is a Canadian singer-song writer, who’s daughter is a Canadian photographer, who’s son is a Canadian videographer, who’s brother-in-law is a graphics artist/novelist, who’s sister-in-law is a graphics artist, and who has a lot of friends who are artists.

Oh, and I used to be a paid up member of the Conservative Party.

James Moore has blocked me from following him in Twitter. I think that I hit a nerve, when I pointed out that he is the real copyright radical extremist. I noticed today that I didn’t get any tweets from him, and went to take a look at his Twitter page. When I got there, I noticed that the follow tag wasn’t checked, so I clicked on it, and this is what I got:

James Moore has blocked me from following him on Twitter. Wonder why?

This raises some interesting questions. Should a politician be able to block a constituent from following them on Twitter? Should a Minister (for my American friends a Minister is like a Secretary) be able to block anyone from following them on Twitter? How should this be handled in a democracy (obviously in a dictatorship things are different – but last time I checked Canada wasn’t a dictatorship).

There are certain situations where blocking is legitimate. For instance if I had physically threatened him, James would have a good argument for blocking me. But I didn’t threaten him. All I did was point out that his definition ‘Radical Extremist’ was incorrect. Our argument is political. That I feel that he made a fool of himself in public, and publicly said so, may have upset him. That a fair number of people picked up on my argument, and apparently agreed with it, and spread my comments over the net, probably upset him further.

His biggest problem is that shot himself in the foot with that statement. Over 3000 Canadians disagreed with his legislation in the Copyright Consultation (those in agreement were either lawyers, or large American industry organizations, and since American Industry Organizations can’t vote, their opinion is meaningless).

In my opinion his best option at this point is to issue an apology to everyone who doesn’t agree with Bill C-32, all of whom he insulted by calling them radical extremists. Of course because this is his best option, it doesn’t mean that he will do it. I suspect that he’s really annoyed with me at present, and that I made the suggestion will annoy him further.

James, this isn’t personal. It’s politics.


Wayne Borean

Thursday July 15, 2010

The Real 'Copyright Radical Extremist' – Hello James Moore, This Is Your Life

To quote Wikipedia, ‘Extremism is a term used to describe the actions or ideologies of individuals or groups outside the perceived political center of a society; or otherwise claimed to violate common moral standards.[citation needed] In democratic societies, individuals or groups that advocate the replacement of democracy with a authoritarian regime are usually branded extremists, in authoritarian societies the opposite applies.’

The perceived political center of Canadian Society, was determined during the Canadian Copyright Consultation. The consensus was that ‘Digital Locks’ weren’t wanted or needed. This consultation was considered one of the most successful of all time. Curiously certain people didn’t like the results. Barry Sookman, who Michael Geist claims is working for the CRIA (I have asked Barry several times to indicate his allegiance – he has so far refused to do so to me, so I don’t know if Michael is right or not) didn’t like the results. Nor did James Gannon, nor did Richard Owens. Lawyers, and members of the Recording Industry Association of America, members of the Motion Picture Association of America, and a couple of other American industries. Lawyers, and American companies.

So why did James Moore introduce Bill C-32? When I heard that Richard Fadden, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service had stated that certain Canadian politicians were under the control of foreign interests, I jumped to the conclusion that he was talking about James Moore… Which proves that my ability to jump to conclusions has reached Olympic levels! But who does benefit? Not the Canadian public. Not the Canadian ‘cultural’ industries.

For that matter the revised report (which replaced the report that had been cribbed from an RIAA document) issued by the Conference Board of Canada was against introducing American styled copyright laws. So what do we get? American styled copyright laws.

Extremists by definition are those who oppose the center of society. James Moore has called those who oppose Bill C-32 extremists. He’s lying.

James Moore is the copyright extremist.


Wayne Borean

Monday July 12, 2010

Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves – Selling Open Office on the Web

Open Office is a great product. It’s capable, inexpensive (free to download), and reliable.

So of course the scammers have to crawl out of the closet. Today I was looking at my spam box, and noticed an email titled ‘2010 Version of Open Office – Your Complete Office Solution’, which got me curious. I followed the link in the email to this site, where I can download a copy of Open Office after paying them a ‘support’ charge.

Now it’s legal to charge for support – there’s no problem here. The problem is that you can go to OpenOffice.Org and download a copy without having to pay. In fact I suspect (but I’m not going to pay to find out) that if I did pay, I’d be downloading from the Open Office website, and that they won’t tell me that I can do this.

Which is why I consider this a scam. Warn your friends.

Wayne Borean

Thursday July 8, 2010

Happy Canada Day

Yes, it’s our nation’s birthday. Fireworks going off all over the place (my old dog isn’t happy).

No, I haven’t been lost the last couple of weeks, I’ve just been tied up. After what seems like a thousand doctor visits I’m now officially disabled. That’s the bad news. The good news is that I spent nearly a day playing with my Stratocaster, and I’ve finally got it set the way I wanted it.

And tomorrow the ranting starts anew. James Moore, this is your life, and you aren’t going to like it 🙂


Wayne Borean

Thursday July 1, 2010