NSA Spying Scandal – An Analysis

NSA Logo
NSA Logo

Like a lot of people, I’ve been following the NSA Spying Scandal closely. In fact, I’ve been following it for several years, since before I first ran into Barrett Brown. Seriously. The leaks about go back a long way, and most writers appear to have missed the implications.

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National Security Agency Wins – Groklaw Shuts Down


On Tuesday August 20, 2013, PJ announced that Groklaw would shut down. To quote her final post:

The owner of Lavabit tells us that he’s stopped using email and if we knew what he knew, we’d stop too.

There is no way to do Groklaw without email. Therein lies the conundrum.

What to do?

The whole NSA spying on emails thing came out of left field to most people. I knew a fair bit about it before it hit the news – I’d been corresponding with a variety of people who were nibbling around the issue from various directions. The problem was that they were all working on different angles, and everything seemed to lead into one direction, which seemed like pure paranoia.

Unfortunately it wasn’t.

Continue reading “National Security Agency Wins – Groklaw Shuts Down”

Maureen O'Gara

Some people make my teeth grate. Maureen O’Gara is one of them.

Her new article in Client Server News has stepped so far over the line that I don’t know if she’ll ever make it back. The article, “Who is Pamela Jones,” is a blatant attack on PJ, the proprietor of Groklaw, the legal blog.

The article was echoed across the entire Sys-Con publishing network, angering the editorial staff of one of the magazines – two of them have stated that if she isn’t dumped they are no longer interested in working there.

There’s low, and then there’s Maureen. After this stunt she could walk under a snake while wearing a top hat.

And I’m not the only one who feels this way, check out this story:
