Canadian Politics, Copyright Law, Lawyers, WIPO, Etc.

For those who may have come in half way on my articles about Canadian Politics, Copyright Law, Lawyers, and the WIPO, there’s an important fact that you should know – all of my articles on copyright are being emailed to the Prime Minister of Canada, the opposing party leaders, and to significant political figures (ministers, my local MP, etc).

Why am I doing this? Easy. It’s called documentation. I’ve dealt with government departments a lot in the past. Before my body gave out, and I was no longer capable of working, I was fairly well known in Washington DC, and also in Sacramento. Part of my work involved dealing with the large American law firms, firms far larger than McCarthy Tetrault or Stikeman Elliot. I’ve given testimony to government agencies in the United States in the past, and probably will again, once my surgery is complete.

And documentation is important. I ended up in a fight with Morrison and Foerster (the firm who represented Novell Inc. in their legal battle with The SCO Group) at one point, and was able to provide documented proof to the government agency involved that the firm had lied in a submission.

So what I am doing, is documenting the lies, errors, and omissions that I’m seeing. I’m not being polite about it. Quite frankly I’m in too much pain, and too damned stoned, to bother with being polite. Instead I’m calling it as it is.

I don’t expect to make any friends doing this. And quite frankly I don’t care. What I care about is the documentation. Documentation which proves that the information which has been feed to the ministers involved is incorrect. Documentation that can be used against any law which does not take into account the will of the Canadian public as shown by the Canadian Copyright Consultation. Documentation which gives the opposition parties in Parliament points to use in questioning any law which is proposed.

And I’ve had a lot of help in putting together this documentation. I would like to thank Mihaly Ficsor, Barry Sookman, James Gannon, Richard Owens, Michael Geist, Howard Knopf, Sam Trosow, Corey Doctorow, and Nina Paley, all of who have provided information that I’ve used – and no, I’m not being sarcastic. Those who wrote in opposition helped tremendously to show me what all of the issues are.


Wayne Borean

Thursday April 29, 2010

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